Writing blogs is not something that I ever promised to do in my marriage vows or any job description I ever undertook.
Yet here I am again racking my brain as to what interesting topic I can write about this month. I’m told Google needs the website to be ‘active’ and that posting ‘new content’ makes Google happy. We want Google to know we are good users, so that it will hopefully rank us highly, allowing you, the ‘searcher’ to find us on PAGE 1. When did this happen? When did Google begin to rule my life?
My boss, my husband, my children, my family all expect me to be active, to keep them informed, to help them as required. When they come ‘searching’ for me, I am to be available at the drop of a hat. Of course the opposite is true too. When I need them, I hope that they will willingly drop everything and help me out. These relationships bring us all manner of feelings, joy, happiness, ‘craic’ as we say in Ireland but sometimes frustration and sorrow, to mention but a few. We take the good days and the bad days in life and if we are lucky our family, friends and work colleagues will be a very important positive and uplifting asset to us. If not, we have to go make a positive change where we can, even go searching……..
In this climate of unrest about Brexit and goodness knows what else, we Irish, are on the outskirts of Europe and closer to America in miles and maybe influence than the rest of Europe. I think it’s no harm to take the positive from any community to improve our own. We can ‘marry’ these influences into our lives without losing what it is to be Irish. So this year I am taking on board two influences. Polish weddings (a story for another day) and Thanksgiving, the American feast of giving thanks. 1621 was the first Thanksgiving, though surely it was Europeans giving thanks for their first harvest in America. Now 2018 is the first Thanksgiving in Condell. We’ll make it Irish and take the opportunity to thank those people in our lives especially those we work with remembering also our customers, distributors, and those of you who come searching …..
(Thank you too Google)